Emmy Package
Embark on an unforgettable journey with 3 Thirteen Productions as we capture the essence of your elegant day with 5 hours of seamless coverage. With our team of dedicated cinematographers, every special moment will be immortalized in your cinematic wedding film.
Spanning between 4 to 8 minutes, your film will be a breathtaking showcase of love, artfully crafted to encapsulate the magic of your day. Delivered on a sleek 3.0 USB Drive, sharing your memories on social media has never been easier.
All this, for a remarkable price of $1000, because your love story deserves to be told with the utmost care and attention to detail.

Oscar Package
Experience the essence of your elegant day with 10 hours of uninterrupted coverage by 3 Thirteen Productions. Our team of skilled cinematographers will expertly capture every magical moment, ensuring no detail goes unnoticed. Your cinematic wedding film, spanning between 8 to 12 minutes, will be a captivating showcase of your most cherished memories.
Delivered to you with the utmost care and attention to detail, your film will be presented on 3.0 USB Drive housed in a customized case for seamless social media sharing.
All this, for a remarkable price of $1800, because your special day deserves nothing less than perfection."